Wednesday, July 16, 2008 伴着伤心的旋律, 和你并肩走在洒满月光的小道上, 本不打算让你露出那样复杂的表情, 只是单纯的喜欢你, 那天却让你流下了伤心的泪。 很想见你,是怎样的心情? 想要表达,却又表达不尽; 满腔的话语若能传达到你身边, 我将思念着你,为你高歌! 很想见你,是怎样的心情? 想要表达,却又表达不尽! 今晚我又在想,如果现在能爱你的话会是怎样。。。。 见面的时候,我总是任性不羁,有时也常常说出不该说的话! 成熟稳重的你,总是一次次的笑着原谅我! 如果能察觉到你孤独的思绪,若能轻轻伸出双手,那种温暖,将伴随我们今后一起走下去! 很想见你,是怎样的心情?想要表达,却又表达不尽; 满腔的话语若能传达到你身边,我将思念着你,为你高歌! 如果能回到那一天,我宁愿什么都不要, 今晚我又在想,如果现在还能爱你的话会是怎样。。。。 无法用言语表达的思绪,我将用歌声传达, 满腔的话语,若能传达到你身边,我将思念着你,为你高歌! 今晚,我仰望高空,向着那被月光洒向的大地, 和心爱的人一起走下去, 紧紧的牵着手,永远不再分开! Hush of the rain. 3:21 AM Thursday, July 3, 2008 Today is jiaman's birthday..we celebrate her birthday in canteen during recess time..of couse..the key person is yeong sheong..he brought a piece of cake and a present for sweet~~he was very nervous..his hands were shaking when he hold the funny..althrough he is shy..but his expression cant hide his fun..haha Hush of the rain. 5:26 AM
Hush of the rain. 3:21 AM
Thursday, July 3, 2008 Today is jiaman's birthday..we celebrate her birthday in canteen during recess time..of couse..the key person is yeong sheong..he brought a piece of cake and a present for sweet~~he was very nervous..his hands were shaking when he hold the funny..althrough he is shy..but his expression cant hide his fun..haha Hush of the rain. 5:26 AM
Hush of the rain. 5:26 AM